Competition software makes a big deal about their ability to offer windows whereas HyperCard can't.But here's 2 products that add windows to HyperCard:
HyperWindows‚Ñ¢ - Up to 16 open color or mono windows with PICT images. ($59)
Tulip Software, PO Box 3046, Andover, MA 01810 (508) 475 8711
WindowTalk‚Ñ¢ - by Jerry Daniels and Guy de Picciotto. 26 XCMDs & XFCNs to create real windows with buttons, fields, etc.
($39 shareware on CIS and GEnie)
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We do Windows!
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New Time! - Computer Chronicles
WLIW - ch 21
Mondays at 3:30pm
(set your VCRs!)
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"The HyperTalk Bible"
Mitchell Waite,Stephen Prata,Ted Jones
A HyperTalk textbook.
Disk of examples purchased separately.
"Tricks of the HyperTalk Masters"
edited by the Waite Group
Advanced topics such as telecommunications with HyperCard, animation, visual effects, and more.
Example disk of full-blown applications in HyperTalk available.